
Comment history with FoxLucky


Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 comments

It's cool LOL

Posted by FoxLucky on Jul 12, 07 11:06 am

hard exterior && soft features = me.

Posted by BsLayouts on Jul 12, 07 10:45 am

but i do agree with you now that i see it, about my lyt, the butterflies.
i really don't know what i was doing or thinking but @ the time butterflies were cool. now that i see it, it does sorta stand out.
but maybe it was like a hidden message cuz im weird && i stand out;; im always outta place.
maybe its just representing me.

Posted by BsLayouts on Jul 12, 07 10:44 am

That's my goal! Thanks so much!!

Posted by FoxLucky on Jul 12, 07 9:20 am

hey i just submitted one more lyt but they have to accept it first.
i think you`ll like it.

Posted by BsLayouts on Jul 12, 07 12:03 am

aww thx!
but ur lyts are sooo unique.
they make you think.
i really like them becuz they make you feel better about yourself.
like you shouldn't change yourself just because someone has a problem with it && how jelousy is a disease;; get well soon!
they inspire.

Posted by BsLayouts on Jul 11, 07 5:03 pm

LOL You're the one with talent... Geez, I just noticed you made the other layout I love, Angelina Jolie... You really have skills... you should keep submitting more!!

Posted by FoxLucky on Jul 11, 07 1:53 pm

thx 4 the lyt cmt. =]
it always feels good to have talented lyt makers such as yourself to tell you that yours is good.
i feel all accomplished!

Posted by BsLayouts on Jul 11, 07 12:27 pm
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  • 14 years old